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The great breakthrough of SolidRules with AI: find everything you're looking for!


🚀Alexide has transformed what you have imagined about content search into reality, thanks to an Artificial Intelligence that works exclusively for you. It's smart and personalized, operates without the need for third-party tools, and, most importantly, doesn't compromise your data privacy. 🧠🤖🔒

Have you ever created a model and wondered if you had designed something similar in the past, perhaps under a different name?
Would you like to take a photo of a spare part and immediately find the corresponding component? 📸
With SolidRules, you'll no longer struggle to search, as you'll instantly find similar items, complete with a detailed preview. 💻

You can manage the search for documents, tickets, spare parts—watch the video to discover all the previews!
Request a demo to revolutionize your way of working with Alexide's technology that changes the game. 👩‍💻✨

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