We are here today to celebrate, and tell, the news of SolidRules and in particular the new updated site and our headquarters, which has not yet turned a year but has already been able to give us immense satisfaction and ways to experiment.
These two elements open a new chapter in the history of Alexide in which we decided to share with you our work, our knowledge, to make you breathe air of innovation. Because we are basically sociable types despite the clichés about programmers.
What you’re reading is our freshly baked blog and this particular article is his first taste.
It is part of one of the different news coming from our parts. This space was born with the idea of sharing our industry knowledge, telling you about news, providing you with guides and useful tools to help you scale your business and turn problems into solutions, or even just to make you discover things you might not yet know.
To talk, or rather to write, about the industry news and the solutions created with our SolidRules will be our boys and girls who have lived this project and now can tell you about it.
In addition to our new digital space, we would like to dedicate a few lines to the real spaces. The tangible ones made by walls and desks, made of moments of silence in front of computers, the smell of coffee, meetings and noise during the games of table football.
We would like to talk about our headquarters and how we ended up at the National Congress of the Italian Association of Lighting thanks to an unlikely but successful collaboration between architecture, lighting design, artificial intelligence and the internet of things. And how we plan to continue to evolve in this direction.
To read the news click here.
Alexide’s headquarters is a smart building*, a building in which the facilities are operated in a intelligent and automated manner in order to ensure greater comfort to guests and increase energy efficiency.
Smart building is the result of new technologies and the culture of innovation that is increasingly moving forward. In addition to being a smart building, Alexide’s architectural and lighting design has made it particularly fascinating and his anthropocentric approach inextricably linked to energy efficiency has hit the mark.
If you wonder what systems and technologies have made our headquarters smart, We reveal that to animate our building we have combined the expertise of the world of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things with one of our strengths of analysis of big, very big amount of, data*.
This knowledge has allowed us to make smart our headquartersand also allowed us to make smart industrial machines and whole factories but we will talk about this in another article, Meanwhile if you want to have some preview you can take a look at Quantum.
The need for more focus on consumption and sustainability leads more people to adopt smart systems that can reduce waste. Moreover, Italy has introduced the obligation to create nzeb (near Zero Energy Building) as required at the time by Directive 31/2010/EU in order to encourage more people to adopt energy-saving solutions, transposed in Italy by Legislative Decree 192/2005.
This measure comes to life because buildings have become responsible for high energy expenditure and a large amount of emissions and that is why it is becoming a priority to achieve energy efficient buildings. The objective of the construction sector is therefore to redevelop existing buildings and build new ones with new, high performance.
This measure will affect first public companies and then private ones and finally, in our homes.
Having a smart location is important to us, not only to move towards higher efficiency targets but also to ensure a working space suitable for your guests. An illuminated area according to the needs of individual users, ideal temperature, working space management with a view to coworking, and more organisation all contribute to the well-being of people and ensure a healthy and pleasant working environment. The idea is to make the building adapt to people and their needs, not vice versa. And this, thanks to artificial intelligence, is now possible without the intervention of a programmer to manage needs that change over time.
For those who live like us of technology we tell you that the AI system that pilot lighting, Heating and cooling is based on Machine Learning techniques fully developed by us and that you will soon find within SolidRules applied to everyday needs. If you want to know more... we can tell you that soon there will be a long post on the topic.
Fill out the form or send us an email to info@solidrules.com. We will contact you to provide you all the solutions.